This book is for anyone who loves:
Greek mythology
Young Adult love stories
Supernatural abilities
Books with a dystopian twist
No one promised freedom would be peaceful...
Lead Council member, Christoph, is dead by Elyse’s hand, and Descendants have begun to emerge, exposing their secret to the world. Some see this as the prophecy come to fruition, but the prophecy caries a heavy consequence. It was never meant to be as peaceful as most had hoped.
Humans and Descendants struggle to live together in a world that isn’t ready for such a change. America is divided. Those who glorify the supernatural race believe Descendants truly are the gods they claim relation to. Others see them as a threat.
When Elyse gives birth to the next generation oracle, she sees one final vision—war. The destruction of the country’s major cities, and the end of America as we know it.
After her daughter is born, Elyse finds herself without the ability she needs to predict the future. Desperate to save the world from such conflict, she puts her faith in the hope that Descendants are the key to survival. After all, they have the power to supply a broken society with the means to survive.
Only from the ashes can a new world be born.
The Children of the Gods is based on the idea that the Greek gods were never really gods at all, but a secret race that has been living among us for centuries. Fans of Shatter Me, Percy Jackson, Divergent, and Harry Potter will love this series.
If you love Young Adult Fantasy reads look no further The Children of the Gods series will suck you in & will have you devouring it in one sitting! ★★★★★ - Lisa
trust me, you will probably tear through all three books in a couple of weeks and wish there were more. I sure did! Children of the Gods is a must-read for fans of fantasy, romance, mythology, YA, and anyone looking for a great read. ★★★★★ - Kat Ross, best-selling author of The Midnight Sea.
I have read a lot of series where I love the first book, but after that, the series doesn't hold my attention. The Children of the Gods series is absolutely the exact opposite of that. I've loved following Elyse and her friends as they'e grown and fought, loved and lost. This last book brought the series to a wonderful close! ★★★★★ - Author, Meradeth Houston
This series holds such a special place in my heart. As sad as I am to see it end, this final installment was well worth it. All three books in the Children of the Gods series are complete page turners. Jessica is excellent at balancing comedy, action, drama, and romance perfectly. ★★★★★ - Nina
This is the last book in The Children of the Gods trilogy, and by golly what a finale, WOW WOW WOW! I will be recommending this trilogy to everyone, a 5★ finale from me! ★★★★★ - Kelly
Fast paced and heart wrenching! ★★★★★ - Lulu
From one book junkie to another reader, this series was fantastic. It grew with each new story. It captivated me and drew me in to the fight for freedom, command for acknowledgement, and reckoning for the truth.★★★★★ - The Book Junkie Reads
The last one was brilliant, fast paced and amazingly written. This set of books is definitely one I wish I could forget a re-read, highly recommended! ★★★★★ - Lorraine
The Children of the Gods trilogy is highly recommended and has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval. ★★★★★ - Literary Classics Book Awards & Reviews
Children of the Gods has been a roller coaster of a series! So many moments where my heart felt like it was going to explode from my chest and shatter in to a million itty bitty pieces! ★★★★★ - Kate
French Translation

Le chef du conseil, Christoph, a été tué par Elyse, et les Descendants ont commencé à se manifester, révélant leur secret au monde entier. Certains y voient l’accomplissement de la prophétie, mais celle-ci entraîne de lourdes conséquences. Elle n’a jamais été supposée se réaliser de façon aussi pacifique comme la plupart l’avaient espérée.
Les humains et les Descendants ont du mal à cohabiter dans un monde qui n’était pas prêt pour un tel changement. Les États-Unis sont divisés. Ceux qui soutiennent la race surnaturelle croient que les Descendants sont réellement les dieux qu'ils se prétendent être. Les autres les considèrent comme une menace.
Lorsqu’Elyse donne naissance à l’oracle de la nouvelle génération, elle reçoit une dernière vision — la guerre. La destruction des grandes cités du pays, et la fin des États-Unis tels que nous les connaissons.
Après la naissance de sa fille, Elyse perd le moyen de prédire l’avenir. Voulant à tout prix sauver le monde d’un tel conflit, elle nourrit l’espoir que les Descendants seront la clé de la survie. Après tout, ils ont le pouvoir de fournir les ressources pour subsister à une société brisée.
Italian Translation

Il capo del Consiglio, Christoph, è morto per mano di Elyse e i Discendenti iniziano a uscire allo scoperto, rivelando il loro segreto al mondo. Alcuni credono che sia la Profezia che giunge a compimento, ma tale profezia comporta anche delle conseguenze drammatiche. Non era destinata a essere pacifica come molti avevano sperato. Umani e Discendenti lottano per convivere in un mondo che non è pronto a un cambiamento del genere. L’America è divisa. Coloro che glorificano questa razza sovrannaturale credono che i Discendenti siano sul serio le divinità di cui sostengono di portare il sangue. Altri li vedono come una minaccia. Quando Elyse dà alla luce l’oracolo della nuova generazione, ha un’ultima visione: una guerra. La distruzione delle principali città del Paese e la fine dell’America come la conosciamo. Dopo la nascita di sua figlia, Elyse si ritrova priva della capacità di prevedere il futuro. Nel disperato tentativo di salvare il mondo dal conflitto, ripone la sua fede nella speranza che i Discendenti siano la chiave per la sopravvivenza. Dopotutto hanno le abilità per fornire a una società distrutta i mezzi per resistere. Solo dalle ceneri può nascere un nuovo mondo.