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The Descendants have waited long enough for freedom...


Elyse has done everything she can to protect her friends from The Council's reach. As long as they believe she's dead, she has time to rest and train for war. And war is inevitable.

When Kara arrives with the news that Anna and Chloe have been captured, Elyse is faced with the realization that no one is safe until The Council is stopped and Christoph is destroyed. She doesn't need a prophecy to tell her to lead an army. Christoph has done the one thing that ensures she'll fight to the death. He's threatened the people she loves.

It will take more than the words of an oracle to help them fight against the most powerful Descendant alive. To break The Council's oppression and rise up against a plot so many years in the making, Elyse will need to get dangerously close to her enemy. So close, in fact, she may not survive.

The Children of the Gods is based on the idea that the Greek gods were never really gods at all, but a secret race that has been living among us for centuries. Fans of Shatter Me, Percy Jackson, Divergent, and Harry Potter will love this series.


This book is for anyone who loves:

  • Greek mythology

  • Young Adult love stories

  • Supernatural abilities

  • Books with a dystopian twist



Percy Jackson meets X-Men! â˜…★★★★ - Karen 
This book was an AMAZING sequel to Oppression. I am in love with this book. MUST READ! I could NOT put it down. I read over half the book the first day. If you have not read the first one, you have to buy it!!! â˜…★★★★  - Lydia
The story also had a ton of action, which I also love, suspense, and ROMANCE! *sigh* When it wasn't one thing it was another, so the story never fell flat.  â˜…★★★★ - Lili
I could not put this book down! Even at work I snuck a few pages in every couple of minutes. I love the world Jessica Therrien has skillfully created. â˜…★★★★ - Ashley

I enjoyed the first book in the trilogy, Oppression, but this second instalment had me completely hooked from the start, I couldn't read it fast enough. ★★★★★ - Fiona

Two enthusiastic thumbs up and five stars, if I could give more I would!!!! Excellent series! â˜…★★★★ - Kate
an exhilarating read that will have your heart beating with anticipation. ★★★★★ - Literary Classics Book Awards & Reviews
WOWWWWW!!!!!! The second book in this series got WAY better!!  - Laura
I loved this book! Uprising is so much fun and such an adrenaline rush. It's refreshing to read a YA book that is truly original. Just like in the first book, I had no idea what was coming next. - Best-selling author, Holly Kammier


French Translation

Elyse et William ont 18 ans,
ils s’aiment et rêvent de liberté.
Mais comme tous les Descendants des dieux de l’Olympe, ils vivent sous l’emprise de Christoph, un tyran. La révolte gronde, et c’est Elyse qui prend la tête des révoltés. Comme ses ancêtres Zeus et Athéna l’ont fait avant elle, elle doit combattre l’oppression. C’est à elle de changer le cours de l’histoire, au risque de perdre l’amour de William.


Italian Translation


Elyse ha fatto tutto il possibile per proteggere i suoi amici dalla minaccia del Consiglio. Finché crederanno che è morta, avrà tempo per riprendere le forze e prepararsi alla guerra. E la guerra è inevitabile.
Quando Kara arriva con la notizia che Anna e Chloe sono state catturate, Elyse si trova di fronte alla certezza che nessuno è al sicuro finché il Consiglio non sarà fermato e Christoph distrutto. Non ha bisogno di una profezia che le dica di condurre un esercito. Christoph ha fatto l’unica cosa che la farà lottare fino alla morte: ha minacciato le persone che ama.

Ci vorranno più delle parole di un oracolo per aiutarli a combattere contro il Discendente più potente. Per spezzare l’oppressione del Consiglio e insorgere contro un complotto che va avanti da anni, Elyse dovrà avvicinarsi al nemico. Così tanto che, in effetti, potrebbe non sopravvivere.

L’ho assolutamente adorato. È la naturale continuazione del primo libro e la fine mi ha scioccato. (ROADSIDEREADER)

Jessica Therrien ha costruito un’ambientazione che è un mix tra Percy Jackson e gli X-Men. (HYPABLE BOOKS)

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